Sunday, April 30, 2006

Russia, gas and money

Gas price is extremely impotent for Belarusian economy. Mr. Lukashenko is still a ruler just due to possibility to re-export Russian gas to Western Europe and using this extra money for financing of social programs.

I hope gas price is a question only of money but Russian can also achieve another results.

I see some reasons for gas price talks:

1. Russia shows to G7 countries that they stopped to support Belarusian regime as they don't want to have problems during G8 summit this summer. When the summit will be completed they can forget about higher gas prices for Belarus.

2. Russian showed interest in purchasing Belarusian gas pipe some years ago but Belarusian government don't sell it still. Russia hope to force this purchasing with blackmail. But Lukashenka lose his weak influence on Russia without the pipe.

3. Some days ago Gazprom's representative said this will be a nice idea to make gas payments with a common Russian-Belarusian currency. This is a good chance for Russians to take to take Belarusian economy levers to their hands and even to make a common state.

What do you think about my versions?

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Friday, April 28, 2006

Around 18 persons was arrested during today's flash mobs just for participation. Flash mob (flash mobilization) is a new for of pretest in Belarus. The participants don't to break the law, but belarusian KGB and special police arrest them.

Photos from a flash mob:

People read "Nasha Niva", a forbidden newspaper.

A cameramen from KGB:

Thanks Freejul

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Arrests during a flash mob

Eight persons was arrested today by Belarusian special police during a flash mob consecrated closing of Union of Belarusian writers.
Another flash mob will be run in the evening. We will show a newspaper "Nasha Niva" closing by Executive Committee of the Minsk City. "Nasha Niva" is the oldest Belarusian newspaper with a greate history.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Nice video

You can download a nice video (1.7Mb) with a guy who placed a tent on the main square of Minsk, the capital of Belarus.

Click "Free" and follow the instructions.

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Another photo of myself

This photo was take 6 year ago. Police crushed peaceful train in the center of Minsk and beaten children.


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Police tank

Wow :-o
This is a new version of Belarusian police vehicle. Looks like tanks and the cost is the same.

They wasted people's money.

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This is a photo of myself from Chernobyl's way:


Raise hands up and say 'preved' (hi) is a stylish Belarusian joke.
In the end of the meeting we catch a KGB guy. This KGBman arrested one of an opposition leader. We punched KGB guy and let go because he looks so sad...

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Chernobyl's road

20s anniversary of nuclear disaster was yesterday. Around 25% of Belarusian territory was polluted and hundreds of people live in dangerous places. More than 100,000 belarusians was or will be die due to radiation as some international organizations reckon. USSR's government tried to keep back a fact of the disaster but thanks to Western counties we know about it.

Nowadays Mr. Lukashenko (authoritarian president of Belarus) also tries to reduce meaning of the disaster. He said:"I was in polluted region. It can be settled." He force belarusian student to work in dangerous regions and even organized production of foodstuff here.

We had a big actions of protest against the lie yesterday. Around 10,000 of supporters of democratic opposition took part in it. I was with "Freedom!" sign and a smile :)

The photos are listened below:

Photos by