Friday, June 23, 2006

The Last European Dictator's song

Now you have a great possibility to see how the last European dictator Lukashenko sing songs and spend free time. This clip was showed before presidential elections in 2001.

The clip show one day from presidential live. Lukashenko have fun, engage in sports, drink expensive beverage but there isn't any scene how he work. I think he don't work at all.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Brutality of Belarusian special militia

The protest action near Russian embassy was cruelly breaked up by Belarusian special militia. Around 50 men were arrested, some of them were beaten.

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Tuesday, June 13, 2006


Dear friends,

Sorry for the delay with the new posts.
It is hard examination period for me. I promise to send new interesting movies and posts in some days.

Best regards,
Yahor Shumski.